
Shroud of Turin – Resources


This page has links to resources for the SHROUD OF TURIN….the most amazing relic in human history. It is evidence of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ…the most consequential person ever. I intend to bring to your attention videos that will affirm your faith. The Shroud of Turin is the most examined relic in scientific history and yes…it is authentic!

For more details and fascinating insights, check out the links below…

The first resource is…

This is the essential website for all things related to the Shroud of Turin. there are extensive resources including peer-reviewed articles and there is also a speakers bureau.

Below you will find various videos from experts on the Shroud of Turin…


Thank you for visiting my Shroud of Turin page!

Keep in mind that I do free presentations on this topic for folks interested in strengthening their faith. for more details, email me directly at 

God bless you…make it a great year!

regards, Paul Mladjenovic